0村の活動はこちらから! 2023年6月25日 by zero_mura / 0件のコメント Instagram We're building a zero-population village to foster We're creating a unique village by revitalizing ab Through our zero-population village project, we're 11/10は、まなビバ開拓団を行いました We're building a zero-population village to foster We're creating a unique village by revitalizing ab Through our zero-population village project, we're We're building a zero-population village to foster We're creating a unique village by revitalizing ab Through our zero-population village project, we're We're building a zero-population village to foster We're creating a unique village by revitalizing ab Through our zero-population village project, we're Instagram でフォロー https://www.instagram.com/zero_mura/ Facebook Youtube(不定期更新) /https://www.youtube.com/@user-ni4vn8hm5d Twitter /https://twitter.com/zero_mura